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CBSE English Sample Papers for Class 10 with Solutions
The CBSE Term 2 Exam for Class 10th and 12th was just declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The CBSE Term 2 Exam for Class 10 and 12 will be held on April 26th, 2022, by the Central Board of Secondary Education. The datesheet for CBSE Term 2 is yet to be released. On its official website, the Central Board of Secondary Education has issued CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021-22.
CBSE English Sample Paper For Class 10 Term 2 Exam with Solutions
We have included the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021-22 on this page. As a result, students can use the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021-22 on this page as a reference. To assess their preparation, students must complete the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021-22. The board will ask subjective questions in the CBSE Term 2 Exam 2022. We have provided the CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2021-22 with solutions in this article. Students can save this page to their favorites to stay up to date on all CBSE news.
English question paper for class 10 with answers
Before beginning their CBSE Term 2 Exam preparation, students must understand the exam pattern. The English Term 2 Exam paper in Class 10 is worth 40 marks. The CBSE Term 2 Examination will take pupils two hours to complete. Students must use their time carefully and prioritize which questions they should answer first. The CBSE Class 10 English question paper is divided into three sections namely Section A, Section B, and Section C.
1. Section A: The reading part is 10 marks
2. Section B: Writing & Grammar part is of 10 marks
3. Section C: The literature part is 20 marks.
Class 10 English Term 2 Sample Paper with Answer key
Question 1- Read the passage given below
Technology is making advancements at a rapid rate but at the cost of a valued tradition—the crafts industry. The traditional crafts industry is losing a lot of its trained and skilled craftsmen. With that, the art of embellishing brass and copper utensils with fine engravings is also disappearing. The government has identified around 35 crafts as languishing crafts.
The speciality of handcrafted items is its design, an association with long traditions belonging to a specific region. The word ‘handcrafted’ does not imply the involvement of dexterous human fingers or an agile mind with a moving spirit anymore. Lessening drudgery, increasing production and promoting efficiency have taken precedence. The labour-saving devices are taking the place of handcrafted tools and this has jeopardized the skills of these artisans.
Mechanisation has made its way into everything – cutting, polishing, edging, designing etc. Ideally, the use of machinery should be negligible and the handicrafts should be made purely by hand with a distinguishable artistic appeal. However, with the exception of small-scale industries, the export units are mostly operated by machines. The heavily computerised designs contribute to faster production at lower costs.
Although mechanization of crafts poses a challenge to safeguarding traditional crafts, the artisans are lured with incentives in order to impart handicrafts training. Some makers do see machines as a time-saving blessing since they are now able to accomplish difficult and demanding tasks with relative ease. These machines might give a better finesse to these products but they don’t stand out as handcrafted. The quantity has overtaken quality in this industry.
A need to highlight the importance of the handmade aspect is required by both the government and private sectors, in order to amplify awareness and also support the culture of making handicrafts. A few artisans are still trying their best to rejuvenate and revive their culture and heritage but it’s an uphill task competing with the machine-made goods. A multitude of artisans have changed their professions and are encouraging their progeny to follow suit. There are others who have stayed their ground but are clearly inclined towards buying machines.
Nearly two decades ago, there were around 65 lakh artisans in the country. Three years ago, when the government started the process of granting a unique number to the artisans based on the Aadhaar card, 25 lakhs were identified. Loss of traditional crafts is clearly a worrying issue, but it stands to reason that forcing any artisan to follow old ways when concerns of livelihood overrule other considerations, is unfair.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.
1. What does the writer mean by calling handicrafts a ‘valued tradition’?
Answer- valued – showcase talents that are associated with artisans’ lifestyle and history
tradition – represent rich our artistic culture / heritage / tradition
2. Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 5– 15. If it continues, the workcation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators failing to make progress in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
Answer- If it continues, the workcation (work + vacation) trend will be a powerful boost to domestic tourism operators languishing in the economic slump caused due to the pandemic.
3. State any two reasons why artisans are choosing to work via machines rather than handcrafted tools.
Answer- Saves labour / reduces drudgery / increases production / finesse / efficiency
4. Why do the artisans need to be ‘lured with incentives’ to impart handicrafts training?
Answer- Because if artisans impart training to mass/bulk producers, they run the risk of losing their traditional livelihood to them and hence need to be tempted via benefits or rewards, to do so.
5. List one likely impact of the support of government and private sectors towards the culture of making handicrafts.
Answer- Creation of awareness and public support for the artisans and their work / more artisans would be incentivized to continue their tradition/artisans wouldn’t change their professions seeking a better livelihood
6. How does the writer justify an artist’s act of abandoning her/his traditional craft for a more lucrative option?
Answer- Via the argument that the artisans cannot be expected to continue their profession if it is not profitable, even though the loss of traditional crafts is perturbing.
English Sample Papers for Class 10 with Solutions
Question 2- Read the following excerpt from a case study titled Impacts of Festivities on Ecology.
Festivals are synonymous with celebration, ceremony and joy. However, festivals bring to fore the flip side of celebrations – pollution – air, water, soil and noise. This led to the need of assessing the awareness level among people about ecological pollution during festivals. So, a study was conducted by scholars of an esteemed university in India. This study was titled Awareness Towards Impact of Festivals on Ecology.
There were two main objectives of the study. The first one was to assess the awareness level among people about ecological protection during festivities. Exploring solutions to bring awareness about celebrating festivals without harming ecology was the second objective. The method used to collect data was a simple questionnaire containing 6 questions, shared with 50 respondents across four selected districts of a state in the southern region of India.
The research began by understanding the socio-economic conditions of the respondents before sharing the questionnaire. Once the responses were received, the data collected was tabulated (Table 1), for analysis.
Table-1: Awareness level among respondents
Questions | Yes | No | Can’t Say |
1. Do you feel that bursting crackers is a must during festivities? | 46 | 54 | 0 |
2. Do you think most people abuse environmental resources during the celebration of festivals? | 72 | 28 | 0 |
3. Do you think that celebrations & festivities result in uniting people? | 64 | 32 | 4 |
4. Do you enjoy bursting crackers for amusement? | 68 | 32 | 0 |
5. Do you feel pressured to burst crackers during festivals as an expectation of your social status? | 82 | 12 | 6 |
6. Are you aware of waste segregation & disposal guidelines for better ecology? | 56 | 40 | 4 |
The study recommended the imposition of strict rules and regulations as opposed to a total ban on all festive activities which have a drastic impact on our environment. The researchers believed that such measures would help in harnessing some ill-effects that add to the growing pollution and suggested further studies be taken up across the country to assess awareness about ecological degradation.
The observations made in the study pointed to the environmental groups and eco-clubs fighting a losing battle due to city traffic issues, disposal of plastics, garbage dumping and all sorts of ecological degradation. The researchers stressed that the need of the hour is increasing awareness among people to reduce ecological pollution which can be facilitated by celebrating all festivals in an eco-friendly manner.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.
1. Why do the researchers call pollution the ‘flip side’ of festivals?
Answer- because the accepted norm is that festivals are synonymous with celebration/joy and people fail to see the other side, which is pollution OR festivals and pollution are two sides of the same coin currently/ polar opposites/ completely in contrast, yet together with each other—where we associate festivals with joy and celebration, we can’t deny that pollution is an ignored reality
2. Comment on the significance of the second objective of the study with reference to lines 7-12.
Answer- Second objective-Exploring solutions Significance- important for knowing steps that need to be taken to address the problem investigated in the research/ knowing what are the immediate actions that need to be implemented to address the issue studied/ helps focus on what needs to be corrected & what needs to be avoided to solve the problem focusing on in the research.
3. Justify the researchers’ recommendation for limiting the drastic impact of festival pollution on the environment with reference to lines 16-21.
Answer- Researcher’s recommendation: Strict rules
Justification: Strict rules are better than a total ban because banning does not serve the purpose of awareness/ people do not generally conform to banning and tend to revolt/ strict rules pose some restrictions but still give the needed freedom.
4. Why do the researchers feel that environmental groups and eco-clubs are fighting a losing battle in the given scenario?
Answer- the festivals cause pollution along with other issues (give examples) that add to it.
awareness is the only solution but the lack of it only adds to the problem.
5. Even though a larger number of people say ‘no’ to bursting crackers than those who say ‘yes’, festival pollution persists. How does evidence from table 1 support this statement?
Answer- a large percentage of people (72%) abuse environmental resources to celebrate festivals
a high percentage of people (82%) use crackers to celebrate festivals in order to live up to the expectation of their social status
6. What purpose does the ‘Can’t Say’ column serve in the questionnaire (table 1)?
Answer- gives a provision to/ allows the respondents to choose not to express/ not to answer/ allows an option to those who lack clarity/ are unwilling to respond
English Sample Papers for Class 10 with Solutions
Question 3- Attempt ANYONE from i and ii.
i. Study the concept chart from the self-help magazine section of a monthly publication-
Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.
ii. You are Samina Zaveri, Class X, Vadodara, Gujarat. You come across the following information on a local library’s notice board.
You wish to participate but require more information. Write a letter to Teen-Toggle Games Pvt.Ltd in about 120 words, enquiring about rules, scholarship details and deadlines. Also enquire about specifications for solo or group entries.
English Sample Papers for Class 10 with Solutions
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